This is it! The recipe to make if you are trying to impress someone coming over. The smell of baked coconut fills the kitchen (and the house if your place is small enough) with a delicious aroma and any visitor will immediately feel at ease and bask in the warm and inviting smell. They WILL like the creator of such a fantastic universe. Just don’t tell them that these otherworldly treats only took you 15 minutes to make…
Macaroons or Rochers congolais
- 1 cup of shredded coconut (~ 125 grams)
- 1/2 cup of sugar or slightly less (~ 125 grams)
- 2 egg whites
- vanilla (whole or extract)
1. | Mix the shredded coconut, the sugar and the vanilla in a bowl |
2. | Beat the egg whites vigorously so as to liquefy them for 5 or 10 minutes. This recipe doesn’t require the egg whites to solidify and the concoction should be liquid with a little foam at the top. |
3. | Pour the whole egg white mixture into the shredded coconut, sugar, vanilla mix and blend in to fully humidify the dry elements |
4. | The end result should be humid and compact enough that it can retain its shape |
5. | Form small balls with the dough (1 inch diameter), you will get about 12 of them |
6. | Bake on a plaque layered with wax paper at 375°F for 10-12 minutes |
Recipe adapted from (http://chefsimon.com/congolais.html)