The sweet scent of “poulet braise” will always remind me of Sunday lunches or days spent at the beach in Bassam. In Côte d’Ivoire. The chicken is never plain and always coated in a mixture of spices that vary from regions to regions. This version is from the center of the country and is different from the one I grew up eating, especially with the addition of the colorful …
Poulet roussi, Martinique-style super chicken stew
Name: Poulet roussi
Eaten in: Martinique
Category: Traditional
This is a recipe that I will be making over and over again. It is stew-like, but on the light side and delightful in the mixture of flavors and textures. As the ingredients melt and cook together, they bind together to give the chicken a distinctive …
Sauce feuille, togolese spinach stew
Peruvian, pisco, parsley and coriander rice
Name: Peruvian coriander rice
Eaten in: Peru (duh!)
I am notorious for shunning multi-steps recipes because in my experience, the results have often failed to justify all the extra effort. Nevertheless, when I decided to make this peruvian rice recipe, I put my heart to the task and it changed me. This was simply the most delectable new recipe…