No, there is no such thing as green beer in this rice recipe, but the cooked rice’s color is green and beer is used to flavor it. This recipe is a vegetarian adaptation of the famed arroz con pollo from Latin America and the Caribbean. The cooking techniques …
How I won the battle of Ablo
Riz au gras or the biggest misnomer in culinary history

Nigeria, Ghana, Benin, Togo, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire…etc, many West African countries have their own version of this traditional rice dish. Although similar in concept (rice cooked in a tomato base), they are different enough to warrant their own postings. The Ivorian recipe was a favorite of a friend of mine from … Singapore. …
Jamaicans take the rice and peas (actually beans) award
It is rumored that Usain Bolt is the fastest man in the world because he grew up eating boiled yams… Well, I will let you form your own opinion on that rumor, but if you’d like to try a dish that will make you “fly,” I can certainly recommend the Jamaican rice and peas recipe featured…