I could definitely say that I am making kale or collard greens with diced tomatoes, but it sounds so much cooler to say that I am making sukuma wiki. I just like the way it sounds and how swahili sounds in general: melodious yet crisp.
Introducing tropical food and tropical recipes to the world!
Starting with some prologue: I am so glad to be finding my way back to Tropical Foodies after what seems like ages. I thought of this recipe since the hellish Arctic freeze unleashed almost all over North America (barring sunny California, of course), it is the perfect time to combat winter woes with some much needed fried-food-generated warmth…
I admit it! I really wanted Vietnamese coffee, but I don’t own a Vietnamese coffee filter (http://wanderingchopsticks.blogspot.com/2007/03/ca-phe-sua-da-ca-phe-sua-nong.html), so I used my French press instead. …
I grew up eating cassava, mostly mixed with plantains to make “foutou,” a traditional dish from Ivory Coast, but also as a crunchy fried snack served with dried chopped coconut. So needless to say, I was burning with curiosity when I set out to make this cassava cake from the Philippines. I was not entirely faithful to the recipe and used shredded cassava…