That’s a fiery one! The kind of spice that widen your eyes and clear your nasal and throat passages. I had early cold symptoms when my pikliz was ready to taste: as soon as I tried a spoonful,…
Poulet DG, Chicken, managing director-style
Name: Poulet DG
Eaten in: Cameroon
Foodie: Linda
If you meet someone from Cameroun, mention “Poulet DG” and you will definitely bring a smile to their face. And for a reason! The name of this specialty from Cameroun means, Chicken MD (managing director). Apparently, only well-to-do managing directors could afford to eat such a rich dish, hence its name. I get confused sometimes, and call this dish chicken DJ.
Pumpkin is not an Halloween exclusive; treat yourself with this squash soup on a regular basis!
While the pumpkin is an October symbol in North America, squash is rather a January 1st symbol in Haiti. Indeed, January 1st 1804 marked the independence of Haiti and the first day the newly freed slaves were able to have Joumou soup, a meal that was previously forbidden by their French Masters. This butternut squash soup is now enjoyed as a family meal at the beginning of each year in defiance to the former colonial authorities….