I should start with a disclaimer here: this is not a “tropical recipe” per se. However it features my most favourite tropical ingredient (chocolate!) as well as some other tropical wonders (coconut, vanilla). The greatest thing about this recipe is that it is suitable for celiacs and lactose-intolerant people. …
Name: Chocolate rolled cake
Foodie: Gen
St-Jean de Luz Macarons, chocolate kisses from Spain
Irresistible chocolate cake

We will not say it enough, chocolate is the quintessential tropical food. Cocoa only grows within a limited distance from the equator and then manages to spread joy and happiness all around the globe in variously sweet ways.
Reine de Saba – Queen of Sheba, a royal chocolate cake
Name: Reine de Saba – Queen of Sheba
Eaten: regularly by anyone who’s tried it at least once 🙂 Consider yourself warned
Foodie: Linda
This recipe is the second one from the JC100, Julia Child’s challenge that we take up here at Tropical Foodies since, you guessed right, it contains chocolate. Now, the name of the dish itself is an adventure. The Queen of Sheba was mentioned in the Bible, the Koran and the Ethiopian Kabra Nagast (Sheba was a rich kingdom…