I grew up around Merveilles (Côte d’Ivoire), also called Atchomon in other West African countries (e.g. Togo): the best way I can describe them is as peanut size cookies which taste wonders and can be eaten any time of the day as a snack. I use to purchase these cookies or treats from street vendors while living in Côte d’Ivoire…
Blanc-manger coco: a light and fresh dessert for those hot summer days

Blanc-manger coco (pronounced “blan manjay coco”) is one of the lightest, creamiest and most delicious dessert that you will encounter in French Caribbean countries such as Haiti, Guadeloupe or Martinique. The main ingredients are regular (dairy) milk as well as coconut milk combined together with gelatine and then refrigerated to obtain a jelly-like cake or elegant individual verrines.
Clafoutis time!
A Haitian crispy-creamy appetizer for your casual receptions
In search of a new appetizer recipe? Let Haitian accras be your pick. Typically, accras can be described as fried dumplings made out of malangas. Malangas are one of the oldest underground root crops in the world and are also known as tannia, malanga amarilla, yautia amarilla, taro or cocoyam. …