I am a big believer in the expression «less is more» or, as I prefer to say it «how to turn a simple/ordinary/common recipe into something original ?» This expression perfectly applies to this Orange French Toast recipe I love…
Blanc-manger coco: a light and fresh dessert for those hot summer days

Blanc-manger coco (pronounced “blan manjay coco”) is one of the lightest, creamiest and most delicious dessert that you will encounter in French Caribbean countries such as Haiti, Guadeloupe or Martinique. The main ingredients are regular (dairy) milk as well as coconut milk combined together with gelatine and then refrigerated to obtain a jelly-like cake or elegant individual verrines.
Sometimes being a pig and a jerk is a fantastic combo…

I am not a crazy woman craving for a jerk and/or pig to come my way, not the human kind. I was of course talking about the fact that I love a good piece of pork meat and a good rub of jerk spice in my barbecue. So here the term “jerk” refers to a (great) spicy seasoning rub originally from Jamaica but now also popular in other Caribbean countries. …