I had three very ripe plantains in my fridge and they were on the verge of becoming unusable. Considering how versatile plantains are and everything you can do with them at every stage of ripeness, it would have been a real crime to let them go to waste. The issue was, I neither wanted to research a new recipe nor did I want to make my go-to recipe when I have overripe plantains, which is klaklo. because I wasn’t in the mood to fry anything. What was a plantain aficionado to do? …
Mangu builds bridges
When I first heard about mangu, it immediately reminded me of fufu, foutou, mofongo, kuku, or other similar mashed plantains dishes ubiquitous in West Africa and the Caribbean. The link was obvious to me,…
Klaklo- never too late with plantains!
Name: Klaklo
Location: Côte d’Ivoire
Foodie: Elodie
Plantains are very special in my opinion, because they can be eaten and still be delicious no matter how ripe they are. I am hard pressed to think of another starch that has similar attributes: I cannot remember how many times I went to the grocery store, determined to buy fresh vegetables to incorporate into scrumptious dishes, …